Treatise of Implant Dentistry

This book has been written to do justice to all those who contributed to the evolution of implant dentistry, from its origins to the present day. For every technique, we will provide useful information, also offering opinions, reservations and recommendations. We will begin with the history of the first implant attempts, reporting it – where possible – with the same words and enthusiasm of the authors who followed one another in this long journey toward progress.
We will continue with detailed and analytical descriptions of all modern implant techniques, examining the causes of their success or failure from a comprehensive standpoint. We will also emphasize that those who are about to rehabilitate an edentulous region should have a full understanding of the underlying causes that led to the condition in the first place, since this is the only way to avoid repeating the same mistakes, which will endanger the ultimate success of the procedures. We are referring mainly to causes related to alteration of static or dynamic occlusion, pointing out that implantation is only the first stage of rehabilitation, which will be completed by prosthetic functionalization of the implants.