To Bee or Not to Bee

To Bee or Not to Bee
by John Penberthy – https://www.tobeebook.com/
From its humble beginnings as a spiritual fable which came to me in a meditation and was written for my own pleasure, To Bee or Not to Bee has blossomed into an international success story, published in 13 languages. Great spiritual teachers speak not of learning more, but of letting go, of surrendering. This can be difficult for adults because the familiar is so, well, familiar. But the young, they’re more present and open and have less to unlearn. This is why Jesus said, ‘Until you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. ‘To Bee or Not to Bee is an inspirational story of such innocent wisdom and how it leads one young worker bee to spiritual awakening.
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To Bee or Not to Bee – 73 pages, 3.5MB (PDF)
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