The Fashion of the Times

The Fashion of the Times
by Joshua D. Dinman
When Jacob Gold was ten years old, his grandfather gave him this advice – ‘never lift a man so high that he can piss in your face.’ When Jacob accepts a position at a prominent Pittsburgh law firm, he is forced to apply his grandfather’s wisdom as he negotiates the power plays and personal vendettas of the firm’s attorneys. There is Theodore Rifkin, the firm’s gray-maned managing partner who is willing to do anything to keep his name on the firm’s door. And Edward Blanton, the firm’s one-time golden boy who has fallen from grace having been indicted for his involvement in a phony real estate deal. Hanging over the firm like a dark cloud is Blanton’s failed attempt to stave off the hostile takeover of one of firm’s oldest clients. When the British corporate raider who masterminded the takeover suddenly dies, Jacob, Rifkin and Blanton are drawn in to the perfect storm that will change all of their lives forever. The Fashions of the Times is a chronicle of money and power and their meaning in the myth that is the American dream.
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