The Book of King Solomon

A life of King Solomon, written by his court historian! Such, apparently, were the contents of an old Hebrew manuscript, handed on to Professor Solomon by an elderly relative.
Its brittle pages were filled with the story of the king: his adulterous father (King David), his youth, his rivals for the throne, his accomplishments as ruler, his wise judgments, his many wives, his visits to the Cave of the Ages, his magic ring, his association with Asmodeus (king of the jinn), his building of the Temple, his speaking with birds, his encounter with Goliath, Jr., his meeting with the Queen of Sheba, his excursions on a flying carpet, his wandering as a beggar, his final days.
THE BOOK OF KING SOLOMON?fact or fiction? An ancient chronicle or a latter-day fabrication? A sensational find or a literary hoax?
Click on the link below to download the ebookThe Book of King Solomon (PDF) 446 pages.