Tales from the Securemarket

Tales from the Securemarket
by Colin Sandel
Welcome to New Washington, the most prolific center of technological and thaumatological research in the 23rd century.
For nearly two hundred years, the largest city in the former United States has been struggling to rebuild the culture that was dealt a hefty blow by the return of magic centuries ago. Some might say that this goal has been reached or surpassed, but the average metropolitan citizen’s way of life has been irrevocably altered on a day to day basis. Weapons are worn openly on the streets. Magical certification is a basic requirement of even the most mundane office job.
There is one institution, though, that has survived the changed culture of the modern world: The supermarket.
On the corner of 15th Street and Neimuth Avenue, the employees of the neighborhood Securemarket face a host of challenges that only New Washington can offer: Corporate Knights, gun-toting customers, monsters disguised as cereal boxes, and, most frightening of all … employee romance.
Join Steve, Zap, Alan, Matt, and the rest of the afternoon shift as they struggle to survive a far more difficult adventure than a hardened mercenary will ever face: retail.
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Tales from the Securemarket – 65 Chapters (eSerial / Webnovel – HTML)
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