
by John H. Carroll
Book 1 of The Willden Trilogy:
Ryallon is a vast world with enormous forests, great mountain ranges, and vast oceans. Large human populations live on a few of the continents, but many areas of the world are unexplored and filled with magical creatures of all sorts. It is in this magical world that our story occurs.
Tathan left home at the age of fifteen in order to travel the world and live a life of adventure. Fourteen years later, he has come home to the valley where he was raised. He found the adventure along the way, but it hadn’t always been the sort of adventure one dreamed of; with dragons, maidens, knights and treasure. Most of it was much darker; with dark alleys, knives, and a primal struggle for life at the lowest levels.
Liselle is a young woman of seventeen years whose parents wish her to marry soon. However, marriage is the last thing on her mind when she has never seen anything beyond the lonely valley where she lives. Liselle spends much of her time talking to the flowers about how she feels and they listen to her intently.
Vevin is something else entirely. His home was recently stolen from him by a terrible creature who hurt him badly. Now he is looking for a new home. Preferably something with a large area to keep his treasure . . . once he acquires some.
Sir Danth is the greatest of the Knights of Morhain. Of course he’s the only Knight of Morhain still alive . . . sort of alive . . . only different.
Rumors are spreading about a new race called ‘Rojuun’, who appeared from the depths of the mountains eight hundred years ago with the intention of taking over the world. It is their understanding that humans exist to serve them. They are a bit disappointed that the humans don’t seem to be aware of that fact.
The companions are charged with finding out more about this race of Rojuun. Will they be entranced by beautiful music flowing through the air, or will they die a horrible death in the darkest depths of the world? And who, or what exactly is Vevin anyway?
The Willden Trilogy is an epic fantasy that follows the adventures of Tathan and his companions through the Willden Forest and into the depths of the world. A new race called Rojuun has appeared in the world and is threatening to make humans their servants. It is the companions’ task to learn more and perhaps rescue a princess if they have the time.
Rojuun is a full-length novel of approximately 107,000 words, which would be about 425 print pages.
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