Rate Me Red

Rate Me Red
by Richie Chevat
In the year 2043, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, reality television and Ebay have all merged into one giant communications network called the VidNet.
In VidNet society, everyone and anyone can have their own vid show (or vid) but it is the people, not the shows who are rated. Individuals wear Power Rating buttons that display their popularity, fame and influence on a color scale from purple to red. The algorithms that set the ratings are only understood by the computer programs that write them and the system is specifically designed to make rating changes unpredictable. It all depends on how the audience reacts. You can kill someone and your rating might go up. On the other hand, you can be rude to a stranger and your rating might fall.
Our hero, Gordy, a solid Yellow, works at VidRateNet, the company that controls this rating system. His girlfriend, Poppy Nicole, also a Yellow, is an ambitious vid starlet. To boost her ratings, she proposes the she and Gordy meet in REALITY(TM). Although they have been vid dating for several months, they have never been together in REALITY(TM). Then Poppy has an even better idea – she and Gordy should have sex in REALITYTM. And of course, all of this will happen on her vid, The Poppy Show.
This makes Gordy understandably nervous. So nervous, in fact, that he fails to heed the warning signs of an impending economic collapse caused by a bubble in imaginary toothpaste sales. Will Gordy be able to save VidNet Society? More importantly, will he and Poppy have sex in REALITY(TM)? The answers lie in Rate Me Red.
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Rate Me Red – 316 pages (PDF, EPUB, MOBI)
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