Nowadays, World Wide Web could be named the web of life. It connects people from all around the world whatever their aims and wishes are about. Personal and professional communication, ordering and delivery of goods and services, education and mentoring, searching for new information, advertising, watching films, tracking everyday stuff and accounting finances, and so on, and so forth’seems, there’s no sphere to which the Internet wouldn’t add its own two cents. No doubt, there are both advantages and disadvantages brought by technology and new ways of broader and faster com-munication of all kinds. Still, today we are going to focus more on the variety of perspectives for positive influence of the web on people’s lives.
The previous issues of Tubik Magazine were devoted to the aspects of design for business and logo design. This one is all devoted to strategies and practices of problem-solving web design. We offer you the overview of the practical questions that could rise in the process of creating websites for different purposes. On the ground of numerous design projects here in Tubik, our team believes that efficient websites should be based on the balance of usability and visual harmony. Hopefully, our tips will be useful for global design community.