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Tales of Aria: The Awakening (Book 2)

In the second installment of the Tales of Aria series, Lucas sets off with his friends for Ivyvyne Village to perfect the art of elemental conjuring under the guidance of the famous Aalok Bonham. But it isn’t long after the group arrives in the quiet town that they make a startling discovery.

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Eye of the Ocean Trilogy

Thirty-five years ago, the Empress Cassa did ‘something’ and turned a good chuck of the palace – and herself – to granite. Of course, nobody thinks she’s really dead. And nobody thinks she’s still quite human either.

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Spell of Catastrophe: The Dance of Gods #1

For a change, Max was not actually on the run, which is to say that he didn’t think anyone in particular was after him. Of course, his perception (which happened to be wrong) did not materially change the situation. He did indeed have a pursuer, and later that night the pursuer caught up.

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