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The Goddess of Atvatabar

A novel of the Haggard type. Lexington White, American, sails rom New York in the Polar King, bound to discover the North Pole. He unwittingly descends through a passage in the ice, and finally arrives in the Kingdom of Atvatabar, on an unknown continent.

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Deadly Justice

Jerold Robbins is handsome, rich President of the United States and a Serial Killer. Eighteen women have been found floating in the Potomac. Their bodies slashed and weighted down with concrete blocks. Then the killing stops.

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The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

Lawrence had ordained that Prime Intellect could not, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. But he had not realized how much harm his super-intelligent creation could perceive, or what kind of action might be necessary to prevent it.

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A Honeymoon in Space

This classic story imagines a solar system full of alien life and adventure. A young American woman marries an English Lord and finds herself on the adventure of a lifetime, touring outer space on her honeymoon.

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