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Search Results for: css

The Schema Programming Language: 4th Edition

This book is intended to provide an introduction to the Scheme programming language but not an introduction to programming in general. The reader is expected to have had some experience programming and to be familiar with terms commonly associated with computers and programming languages.

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The Road to learn React

The Road to learn React teaches you the fundamentals of React. You will build a real world application along the way in plain React without complicated tooling. Everything from project setup to deployment on a server will be explained.

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Blender 3D: Noob to Pro

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro is a product of shared effort by numerous team members and anonymous editors. Its purpose is to teach people how to create three-dimensional computer graphics using Blender, a free software application.

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A Pragmatic Legal Expert System

This book aims to show that a legal expert system need not be based upon a complex model of legal reasoning in order to produce useful advice. It advocates a pragmatic approach to the design of legal expert systems—an approach based on the way in which lawyers deal with the law on a day-to-day basis.

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The Quest For Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) may lack an agreed-upon definition, but someone writing about its history must have some kind of definition in mind. Artificial intelligence is an activity devoted to making machines intelligent, and intelligence is that quality that enables an entity to function appropriately and with foresight in its environment.

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