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Search Results for: css

Foundations of Databases

The database management system is typically accompanied by a large and evergrowing body of application software that accesses and modifies the stored information. The primary focus in this book is to present part of the theory underlying the design and use of these systems.

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Mining of Massive Datasets

Mining of Massive Datasets focuses on data mining of very large amounts of data, that is, data so large it does not fit in main memory. This book also takes an algorithmic point of view: data mining is about applying algorithms to data, rather than using data to ‘train’ a machine-learning engine of some sort.

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Building Blocks for Theoretical Computer Science

This book teaches two different sorts of things, woven together. It teaches you how to read and write mathematical proofs. It provides a survey of basic mathematical objects, notation, and techniques which will be useful in later computer science courses. These include propositional and predicate logic, sets, functions, relations, modular arithmetic, counting, graphs, and trees.

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La Mistica Del Carismatico

Rose piu o meno mistiche… medagliette, collanine, santini, veggenti. ‘La mistica del carismatico’ e un racconto su un improbabile invaghimento in un contesto di dogmatiche superstizioni e ritualistica ‘popolana’ da commedia, non privo di momenti da rimuginare con calma. L’opportunismo della specie non si fa desiderare.

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How to Design Programs: Second Edition

No, this book won’t turn anyone into a master painter. But, we would not have spent fifteen years writing this edition if we didn’t believe that everyone can design programs and everyone can experience the satisfaction that comes with creative design.

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