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What Makes Great Assessment?

While by no means the definitive work on assessment, I think you will find some strong common themes around which all teachers can unite, and discussions that can be taken into staff rooms, SLT groups and governors’ meetings.

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(Video) 63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

Book series here include lengths over 300 volumes to just 3 volumes (not counting the amount of pages per book). The fantasy genre is known for extremely long stories, particularly of the epic variety. It could be fairly easy to finish a long book series for some, but due to various elements such as time constraints, this may take up weeks or months to complete.

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There’s More to Dying Than Death

Draws on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of positively preparing for death throughout one’s life. Lama Shenpen Hookham offers Westerners like herself a warm, readable and heartfelt exposition on the issues that surround death and caring for the dying.

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