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Search Results for: math

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning

The book is designed to appeal to students with only a modest mathematical background in undergraduate calculus and linear algebra. No formal computer science or statistical background is required to follow the book, although a basic familiarity with probability, calculus and linear algebra would be useful.

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Algorithms for Clustering Data

This book will be useful for those in the scientific community who gather data and seek tools for analyzing and interpreting data. It will be a valuable reference for scientists in a variety of disciplines and can serve as a textbook for a graduate course in exploratory data analysis as well as a supplemental text in courses on research methodology, pattern recognition, image processing, and re-mote sensing.

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The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing is the science of using computers to understand these types of data. This includes a wide variety of goals: filtering, speech recognition, image enhancement, data compression, neural networks, and much more. DSP is one of the most powerful technologies that will shape science and engineering in the twenty-first century.

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Introduction to the Objective Caml Programming Language

This document is an introduction to ML programming, specifically for the Objective Caml (OCaml) programming language from INRIA. OCaml is a dialect of the ML (Meta-Language) family of languages, which derive from the Classic ML language designed by Robin Milner in 1975 for the LCF (Logic of Computable Functions) theorem prover.

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AngularJS in Patterns

The goal of this paper is to describe how different software design and architectural patterns are applied in AngularJS or any AngularJS single-page application.

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Wavelets and Subband Coding

This ebook fills a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time frequency analysis and its applications. It has been well received and used by researchers and engineers alike. In addition, it was also used as a textbook for graduate courses at several leading universities.

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