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Search Results for: web design

Freelance Writers: 28 Killer Tools to Write Better and Get More Jobs

In this list, we’ve some of the basic fundamental apps and softwares (both free and paid) that cover most of the essential areas of your freelancing business. Sites to search for freelance jobs, free image softwares, automation, online storage and emails, accounting solutions, project management and collaboration are some of the items covered here.

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41 Important Reading Tools That Work Like A Charm

In this compilation, we have compiled 41 tools, softwares and apps that will definitely help you out in your reading adventures, regardless whether you read a lot or just once a week. These tools include book recommendations, habit builders, alternatives to Goodreads, speed reading tools, educational resources, magazines, journals and many many more.

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Maxima By Example

Maxima by Example is a series of tutorial notes which include many examples of the power of Maxima. Designed for the new user, we include some “nuts and bolts” suggestions for working with the Maxima software, especially for the Windows user.

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Foundations of Databases

The database management system is typically accompanied by a large and evergrowing body of application software that accesses and modifies the stored information. The primary focus in this book is to present part of the theory underlying the design and use of these systems.

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