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Search Results for: learning

Computer Science I

The first part of this book uses pseudocode with a minimum of language-specific elements. Subsequent parts of the book recapitulate these concepts but in the context of a specific programming language.

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How to Get More From Life

The book details the status of many of my different ideas in my life as of this moment. Such as: which habits I’m currently running, how this business is doing and what a self-proclaimed atheist feels is the meaning of life.

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Compiler Design in C

This book presents the subject of Compiler Design in a way that’s understandable to a programmer, rather than a mathematician. The best way to learn how to write a compiler is to look at one in depth; the best way to understand the theory is to build tools that use that theory for practical ends.

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19 Sites With Free Textbooks

This is a collection of free and open textbooks which by various parties and educational organizations from all over the world. Their objectives are plain and simple – to create an avenue and platform where all students can gain access to learning materials for free.

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