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What to Read? 3 Best Books To Read For A Beginner, Veteran and Expert from Each Genre – Part 1

Books have a preferred writing style that makes comprehension easy for readers who have mastered a certain level of fluency in reading a language. This post’s main objective is all about that – breaking down books into 3 distinctive levels (Beginner, Veteran and Expert) for all genres imaginable. In this first post, we’ll be covering genres from Murder Mysteries, Out to Sea, World War 1, Graphic Novels / Comics, Southern Gothic, Science Fiction, Philosophy Texts, Children’s Books, Western and Horror.

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35 of the Most Favorited Obscure Books of All Time

In no specific order, please do find 35 of the most favorited obscure books of all time for your reference. Do take note that this is not our typical “free ebook” compilation post, but more of a “What to Read” kind of post. However, a link will be provided should the book is freely and legally available. Feel free to scout ahead and digest the information accordingly. Happy reading!

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Website 101 Tips & Tricks to Overcome Reader's Block (FREE!) Youtube Reddit...

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Eileen McHugh – A Life Remade

Eileen McHugh – a life remade – is a novel about a sculptor whose creative life ended in the 1970s. She left no work, but now an archive of her notes and sketches has come into the possession of Mary Reynolds, who is determined to resurrect the artist’s life and reconstruct her work.

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The SEWA Project Management Model

This book contains a treasury of lessons and techniques that will benefit project teams of any experience level. The lessons in this book are easy to read, understand, and apply—and they will help you not only survive but also thrive in today’s project management world.

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Text Mining with R – A Tidy Approach

This book serves as an introduction of text mining using the tidytext package and other tidy tools in R. The functions provided by the tidytext package are relatively simple; what is important are the possible applications.

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