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20 Books Suggested by 7th Graders – Part #1

These are 20 books suggested by 7th Graders for your reading pleasure. Sometimes when we’re at a dead end, searching for the next book to read, or inspirations to search for the next great book, we tend to rely on popular figures, celebrities, even close friends to recommend. But have you ever thought asking the group of people with the most active and wildest imagination ever? Let’s ask young children, particularly in this case – 7th graders.

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Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness and Environmental Applications

Sensor Technologies: Healthcare, Wellness and Environmental Applications explores the key aspects of sensor technologies, covering wired, wireless, and discrete sensors for the specific application domains of healthcare, wellness and environmental sensing. It discusses the social, regulatory, and design considerations specific to these domains.

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35 Fast One Sentence Summaries of Popular Books (Spoilers Ahead)

It’s ok to be lazy sometimes, especially when you have to read hundred of pages to get to know a story from a book, but of course you’ll miss out all the fun, plots and the extra details. The chance of immersing yourself into the great details and the essence of the book is diminished. But in the spirit of knowing things better and getting things done faster, this video will give you the knowledge of 35 popular books in just 1 sentence each.

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10 Craziest and Nutty Books on Amazon

Believe it or not, there are not just catchy, click-bait, interesting titles which carry that raw magnetism which atrracts people’s attention. There are really crazy and weird ones as well, which this video will show you some if not all. We think it’s pretty impossible to list all of them as there are just too many of them out there. Maybe it’s a publicity stunt for Amazon or just simply an unedited product on the site.

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Cyberbullying: Where Are We Now?

The current publication provides a state-of-the-art review of key concerns in cyberbullying research; focusing on fundamental issues such as the conceptualisation of cyberbullying (or cyber aggression), cyberbullying as experienced by different age groups, correlates of cyberbullying involvement, cross-national research, and coping with cyberbullying.

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