
Blake Thorburn was driven away from home and family by a vicious fight over inheritance, returning only for a deathbed visit with the grandmother who set it in motion. Blake soon finds himself next in line to inherit the property, a trove of dark supernatural knowledge, and the many enemies his grandmother left behind her in the small town of Jacob’s Bell.
Any resemblance to real people, things or places is coincidental. Pact is liable to be dark, given the author’s tendencies & style. With that in mind, trigger warnings abound. Though efforts are made to treat all mature subjects with the gravitas it deserves, young and emotionally vulnerable readers are advised to skip over this story. Expect violence and foul language, and know that sex may well happen, though it will occur ‘offscreen’.
Pact is generally aimed at readers aged eighteen or older, acknowledging that some younger people are more than capable of handling the aforementioned material and topics, while some older people can’t. Use your own judgement, because you know yourself best.
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