Ocean of Divinity

Ocean of Divinity
by Alex Listengort
In this edition are presented the works by Alex Listengort, written in a period of time from autumn-2008 to may 2013. Here the reader may see a circulation of different topics, of questions and answers, embodied in Poems. These Pieces of Arts do Bless and Fill Up with a Special Energy that is familiar to every living creature, and that brings peace, eternity, divine presence and Miracle of life in all its forms.
Searches for a meaning of life and its integrating into the life itself, eternal existencional questions, for which the author dares to give an answer in his poems. Themes of love and beguines, motherland, nature, time and something they call the God: all that finds its reflections in authors’ poems, but the main here are the questions of enlightenment, spiritual awakening of a human being, gaining happiness, abundance and awareness: of everything, that each of us insists to find on the line, of everything, that, as author says, no one had ever really lost, and what Is just temporarily hidden under a tricky veil, that is a part of a global plan, that is a special condition of this Game.
Today in our hands we all keep a totally blessed possibility to get the needed truth, to open a stream that does fill up and gives us new power to go further: with a good will, conscioused goal, bright mind and an awakened soul. Many people that have known Alex’s creativity do mark a special energy of his poems, that truly gifts them peacefulness, joy, bliss, energy and a new knowledge.
The Author itself sincerely looks forward for his works to complete their mission by revealing in a right way to the people beautiful secrets of all the world around and will bring happiness, peace and awakening into this world.
Besides this edition are published Okean Bozhestvennosty – a complete book with Alex Listengorts’ poems, notes and prosaic miniatures, and also – A New Stage of Awakening, a book, where reader finds a new way of looking on humans spiritual awakening and on the esoteric knowledge that leads to such revelations. In prospect there Is a novel ‘The Return’.
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Ocean of Divinity – 130 pages, 980 KB (PDF)
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