New Posting Format – eZine

The birth…
Good day everybody.
We’re starting this post with a BIG apology for vanishing from the scene for quite a while.
Nonetheless, after this long absence, we’ve decided that a new posting format is required to accommodate all the free titles that we receive and research constantly, hence coming up with an ezine-posting-approach.
We’ve compiled all most recently collected free titles in a one downloadable ezine which you can browse anywhere and however you want. Of course, we’ll be providing this issue in popular formats such as PDF, EPUB & MOBI.
Being the first published issue, we believe there is still room for improvement, so get in touch with us if you have any suggestions, criticisms or anything that you wish to share. Without over elaborating the features of this eZine, let’s jump straight to the main content. We’ll let you guys see it for yourself.
The titles available in this issue include:-
- Princess Azzurra and the Gluttonous Dragon by Elisa Favi (Family and Kids)
- The Word of YHWH by Gift of YHWH (Religion)
- Wiersze do Ukochanej. Tomik ‘Oczekiwanie’ by Milosz A. Huber (Poetry)
- Call of the Herald by Brian Rathbone (Fantasy)
- Voyage à la Nouvelle-Grenade by EPUB Forge (Geography and The World)
- La Princesa De Los Apóstoles by Manolo Rodriguez (Literature)
- Dscript by Matthew DeBlock (Language)
- The Beginner’s Guide To Running – From Zero to 5k by Simon Walker (Sports and Entertainment)
- A Brief Study of Land Mammals by Eric Chase (Fiction)
- I Leered At The Carnage by Eric Chase (Poetry)
- Odyssey: California Dreaming by Eric Chase (Fantasy)
- They Were Perfect by Eric Chase (Poetry)
- The Space Diaries by Eric Chase (Science Fiction)
- The Seduction Principle by J. A. Jeanty (Romance)
- Greek vehicle & machine manufacturers 1800 to present: A pictorial history by Labros S. Skartsis (Engineering)
- Solomon Family Warriors by Robert H. Cherny (Science Fiction)
- Arise A Hero by Wayne Schreiber (Fantasy)
- Fall From Grace by Eden Crowne (Paranormal)
- Trinity by CJ Bolyne (Fantasy)
- What is Love? by Dhyan Vimal (Psychology)
- Shattered by Sandra Madera (Young Adult)
- 365 Inspirational Tweets by Hollie Hawley (Inspirational)
- The Strategic Marketing Process – How to Structure Your Marketing Activities to Achieve Better Results by Moderandi Inc. (Business)
- The Selfish Giant – An Easter Story for Children by Oscar Wilde (Family and Kids)
- Diving Bali by Stefan Russel (Traveling)
- WordPress for Beginners, the Missing Guide by Nico Julius (Computers and Internet)
- The Amazing Back Pain Cure by Tom (Health and Fitness)
- Erotic Red Riding Hood by Isis Cole (Erotica)
- Eternal Vows by Chrissy Peebles (Romance)
- The Zombie Chronicles by Chrissy Peebles (Horror Fiction)
- Crimes of Murder by Darryl Harrison (Mystery Fiction)
- Agartha’s Castaway – Book 1 in The Trapped in the Hollow Earth Novelette Series by Chrissy Peebles (Young Adult)
- The Twelve Attunements by Cassandra Sturdy (Spirituality)
- Teen Fury: Unleashed by Amanda Torrey (Young Adult)
- Of Noble Chains: A Ventori Fable by D.L. Miles (Young Adult)
- The War by Louise Findlay (Adventure)
- Vampires on the Red Moon by Louise Findlay (Adventure)
- The Magic Christmas Dragon by Louise Findlay (Festival and Celebration)
- The Temple of Baal-Zebub (Tale I of the Valruna Saga) by Christopher Courtley (Fantasy)
- The Curious Case of Edward Grace by Larry LaForge (Short Stories)
- Couples Play by Starla Cole (Erotica)
- Bully Proof by Tim Hutchinson (Education & Learning)
- Like a bunch of flowers by Julia Averbeck (Poetry)
- The Lemon Thief’s Ex-Wife’s Third Cousin by Tom Lichtenberg (Literature)
- Unleashed by Aglaia Bouma (Literature)
- Night Bells by L.M. Sherwin (Fantasy)
- The Mages of Dunnyduff Hill by Louise Findlay (Adventure)
- A Note Below (A Lansin Island Short Story) by Andrew Butcher (Paranormal)
- Journeys with the caterpillar: Travelling through the islands of Flores and Sumba, Indonesia by Shivaji Das (Traveling)
- Sword from the Sky by R. Janvier del Valle (Fantasy)
- Morning Star/ Alignment by Keith Trimm (Science Fiction)
- The Roasted Professor by Larry LaForge (Short Stories)
- Prisoners of Perfection: Epic Fail, Book Two by Tom Lichtenberg (Science Fiction)
- Stalking The Average Man by John Axelson (Spirituality)
- City of Blaze by H O Charles (Fantasy)
Note: Epub & MOBI versions have not been thoroughly tested on all hand-held devices, feel free to get in touch with us if you find any irregularities with these versions.