Maria and all the Grannies of the World – A Story of Kindness During the 2020 Coronavirus Crisis

It is indeed a very strange and difficult time for us humans. My name is Luca, I am an artist and when times are so strange and difficult it can feel useless and almost unnecessary to keep making art; but I do think it is important, maybe even more important than usual, that we do so. The story of Nonna Maria has been created during the first three months of the global outbreak of the Coronavirus Covid-19 in 2020. This is a period full of anxiety, of isolation, of distance between families and between friends; it is a moment in time of pain and worries in terms of emotions, health, finances as well as what the future might bring. But it is so even more important to keep hope and love at the centre of our thoughts and our days.
I am Italian but I wrote, co-illustrated and designed the story from Hastings in the UK, which is where I live. I worked together with my nephew Nicola (17yo) who has been doing an internship within my art studio (www.lucadamiani-art.com), and he wonderfully co-illustrated the book with me from Italy where he lives. We wanted to create a recipe book in memory of my granny and his great-granny “Maria Margherita”.
This book is a love letter for all the people and elders that the Coronavirus is taking away from us – it is a tragedy for many communities who are losing a generation – parents and grand-parents – and their most vulnerable dear family members. Our hearts break that within this loss, people aren’t able to be physically close to those who get sick and are at the hospitals; no chance for a face to face good-bye, a last hug, a last kiss.