Mammoth Free Ebooks

I feel that a post of this magnitude should be done once in a while to portray the greatness of ebooks in cyberspace. Not only ebooks are cheaper to produce, but most importantly, each ebook represents a few trees that you save from being cut down. This kind of post will come in once in a while, consisting of a long list of free ebooks from various categories. Instead of wrapping each ebook within a post, why not make a post to wrap around dozens of ebooks? Enough of mumbo jumbo, here you go with our first MAMMOTH FREE EBOOK updates…
- Tones of SAP Ebooks
- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
- Free ebooks on Philippine history (History)
- O’Reilly’s Open Ebooks (Computers & Internet)
- The Underground Railroad: Narratives, Letters & Escapes (History)
- Vulnerability Management for Dummies
- Free ebooks on Creativity and Design
- 4 Free and Great Programming Ebooks
- Two Free eBooks From Lon Safko (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
- Type in Berlin (Web 2.0 Typography)
- Free eBooks, Excerpts, Stories!
- Science fiction and fantasy books published by Dragon Moon Press
- Free audiobooks from the public domain
- The Burgomeister’s Books – Free ebook library
- The Online Books Page
- Free Online Literature with more than 2000 Classic Texts
- Cornell University Library (524,213 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics)
- Free eBooks for your PDA, iPhone, or eBook reader (Various topics in various formats)
- Free Novels Online and Free Online Cyberbooks
- The Universal Digital Library (A lot of ebooks)
- Page by Page Books (Hundreds of classic books)
- Carmilla by J. Sheridan LeFanu (Vampire based novella)
- Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
- Bleak House by Charles Dickens
- Information Overload (Information, advertising & communications)
- The CoCreative Consumer (Consumers)
- Short Stories & Flash Fiction
- The Short Story (They even have competitions)
- 17 Short Story Sites (In various formats)
- Bookrags.com (Over 8.3 million pages of literature summaries, biographies, literary criticism, essays, encyclopedias, and eBooks)
- ReadPrint.com – Free Online Library, Poems & Short Stories
- Tons of Short Stories
- ABC Radio 2007 Short Story Project (In audio formats)
- Short Inspiring Stories (Some are just in a paragraph or two)
- eServer.org – e-publishing co-op based at Iowa State University where hundreds of writers, editors and scholars gather to publish over 35,000 works free of charge.
- Free Mobipocket eBooks
- 1.5 Million Ebooks for mobile
- 5 Free Useful PDF Tools
- Stanza – Popular e-book reader for the iPhone
News / Articles
This should keep you occupied for a long time. If you’ve found any broken links or wish to provide a review on any of the links above, do leave it in the comments section. I’ll leave this post as sticky for a couple of days and see how it goes. Enjoy!