International Women’s Day (8th March 1911 – 8th March 2011)

International Women’s Day
8th March 1911 – 8th March 2011
We know that it’s 6th of March today, but we guess there’s no harm posting it earlier 😉
Each year around the world, International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 (100th year this year). Hundreds of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. Click on any of the links below if you wish to:-
- know more
- know the history of IWD (PDF)
- participate
- voice out your opinion on matters impacting women’s equality?
- be inspired
- join the conversation
- watch more videos on IWD
- network & interact
- sponsor a woman?
- donate
- volunteer in the US
- run for Congo women
- send an eCard
And as usual, here are some free ebooks / resources:-
- A History of International Women’s Day in Words & Images by Joyce Stevens
- American Women & The World War by Ida Clyde Clarke (HTML)
- Towards Equal Rights for Men & Women by Ethel M. Smith
- Emory Women Writers Resource Project
- The Yellow Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman – 12 pages (HTML)
- Are Women People? by Alice Duer Miller (Humor, poetry) (Various Formats)
- The Business of Being A Woman by Ida M. Tarbell
Happy International Women’s Day and Happy Reading!