I Can Be Sporty – Amazing Athletes That Pushed The Boundaries

Be bold like Boudicca, as adventurous as Amelia Earhart and super sporty like Usain Bolt! Inspire little minds as you explore the achievements and lives of key figures from the past and present. How did Galileo make important discoveries and how did Frida Khalo overcome hardship? This series will inspire you to be whatever you want to be.
Have you ever been to see a football match? Or watched a tennis match on TV? Sporty people all over the world spend their lives training to compete in competitions such as the Olympic Games. But why do we compete and play sports? People have always pushed themselves to be good at certain things, and sports are no different.
Sport can be hard, but it is also a good way to overcome many problems. Anybody can play sport; it doesn’t matter where somebody comes from or if they have a disability. Read on to learn about the lives of some super sporty people who have shown the world the amazing things people can do.