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Dillion 3: Moon Tides & Dillion 4: Tech Style by Madison Bruffy

Dillion 3: Moon Tides & Dillion 4: Tech Style by Madison Bruffy

Dillion 3 – The Defender’s first cargo run turns up the possibility that an old enemy is still alive, forcing the crew to find out the truth once and for all. Dillion 4 – Two stories in one book – Tech Wars: The Defender delivers a cargo of computer components to Jayden Four – a world that restricts the use of advanced technology. Old Style: Still on Jayden Four, the crew have an old fashion murder brought to their door step.

Camping at the Edge of American History

Camping at the Edge of American History

In ten chapters and a substantial epilogue, the book seeks the dark corners and vacant meadows of the Northwest – its people and industry, wildlife & botany, myths & legends, geology, and natural and human history – and what is to be found there.

The Little Book of Design Research Ethics

Welcome to another Little Book. This one is about ethical practices in design research. It covers the principles that guide our interactions as we search for insight. It’s written for everyone at IDEO and for all the people we work with—those we learn from, and those we teach.

(Video) Book Summary – 28 Top Tricks From The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

Video summary of The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. Instead of going through 300 over pages of information, just digest all the essential points in just 5 minutes.

Dracula of the Apes Book 1: The Urn

Dracula of the Apes picks up where Bram Stoker’s Dracula left off and Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes began. Dracula’s Gypsy servant Horvat has the special duty of preserving his master’s body if the worst should ever happen-and the worst has happened!

Sticky Brains

Aria is having a tough week. All she remembers is the bad stuff that happens. Together, she and her mom learn that bad thoughts are so sticky, sometimes our brains only show us part of the picture. Spread this ebook and help kids feel empowered.

How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3

‘How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3’ is a free e-book about making websites in HTML5 and CSS for absolute beginners. It doesn’t require any experience in IT to start. The aim of this book is to show the art of making websites using a plain language which is full of practical analogies. After reading over 100 pages you will get to know basic concepts and techniques of web development and be able to build your first website ever!

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What Book Series Would Make The Best Netflix Series?

What Book Series Would Make The Best Netflix Series?

Whether it be a failed movie or something never done before, what book series would be best suited for Netflix? We’ve heard it all the time or even experienced it ourselves – the books are most definitely better than the movies. Pretty understandable that a couple of thousand of pages of details and information can’t possibly be fitted into a few hours of screentime, perhaps a tv show series could just do the trick.

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