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Welcome To Your Independence

Welcome To Your Independence

Welcome to Your Independence is written for individuals who are seeking to enter the world of freelancing and for those who are looking to refine processes already in place. Whichever your starting point, it aims aims to clearly and concisely guide you through the process of going freelance and how to make it as a sustainable, successful independent worker.

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Neural networks and deep learning currently provide the best solutions to many problems in image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. This book will teach you many of the core concepts behind neural networks and deep learning.

The Survivors

The Survivors

The end of the world has given us a harsh, merciless existence, where nature tries hard to push humanity to the very brink of extinction. Everything is against us, between us.

29 Sites With Free Health & Fitness Ebooks

"A healthy outside starts from the inside." - Robert UrichWe all know that we need to exercise and eat right, but what else do...

How to Find Lost Objects Free Ebook

In this practical yet entertaining work, the Professor shows how to track down anything that’s been misplaced. Keys, cash,...

10 Free Ebooks on Computers, Internet and Programming by Manning Publications

Manning is an independent publisher of computer books and video courses for software developers, engineers, architects, system administrators, managers and all who are professionally involved with the computer business. They also publish for students and young programmers, including occasionally for children.

3 Free Poetry Ebooks

3 Free Poetry Ebooks by Various Authors These ebooks include:- Meager Gropings in Madness by James Bryron Love (Poetry)...

Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

This story is about Agatha, a princess from a weak magic-based kingdom. She was then forced to be engaged to a sex maniac which also happens to be a crown prince of a mighty technology-based empire.

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10 Facts About Authors Which Will Surprise You!

10 Facts About Authors Which Will Surprise You!

The contribution that various authors have made to literature is undoubtedly immeasurable Many authors has in his or her own way made an impact in the world, leaving their mark on society. Many of the facts behind some of the famous authors can be intriguing and enlightening than their finished works for which we all know them.

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