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Mathematical Tools for Physics

Mathematical Tools for Physics

The way to get an intuitive understanding of the mathematics and of the physics is to analyze your solution thoroughly. Does it make sense? There are almost always several parameters that enter the problem, so what happens to your solution when you push these parameters to their limits?

Dynamic Web Development with Seaside

Dynamic Web Development with Seaside

Seaside is the open source framework of choice for developing sophisticated and dynamic web applications. It uses the power of objects to master the web. With Seaside, building web applications is as simple as building desktop applications.

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide

Mercurial: The Definitive Guide

Revision control is the process of managing multiple versions of a piece of information. In its simplest form, this is something that many people do by hand: every time you modify a file, save it under a new name that contains a number, each one higher than the number of the preceding version.

Technical Essays: Software Architecture of 28 Different Open Source Systems

Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA) is a collection of technical essays in which students explore the software architecture of 28 different open source systems. These essays are available as a series of blog posts for easy browsing, besides being available in ebook form as pdf and epub.

Christmas Gifts and Tips

Although a bit short, but this ebook has some good straight to the point tips that you can use on the nearing Christmas...

Guide to Common Houseplants that are Toxic to Our Pets

Guide to Common Houseplants that are Toxic to Our Pets by Debra Garrison, DVM This book contains the top 17 houseplants that...

Zero Hour

By accident Bobby discovered the rocket was about to be shot to the Moon. Naturally he wanted to go along. But could he smuggle himself aboard?

(Infographic) 14 Reasons We Should Read the Classics by Italo Calvino

"Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read." - Mark Twain We don't really need reasons or excuses to start reading,...

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