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135 Top Digital Libraries for Your Reading and Research Needs

135 Top Digital Libraries for Your Reading and Research Needs

In this list, we’ve covered 135 of the top digital libraries on the Internet today. It covers various categories and geographically based information, which a majority of them comprises of freely available and downloadable information. Some may require you to register or to be a member / student of the specific institution or organization. Regardless, we hope that this list be beneficial and fruitful in any research or reading you’re currently undertaking.

36 Free Online Learning Resources and Platforms

36 Free Online Learning Resources and Platforms

Stuck at home and eager to learn something new? The good news is there are plenty of reputable places to educate yourself online for free, and here’s a good 36 of them to get you started. Our list of free online learning platforms offer classes you can take now from anywhere you wish at anytime you choose. The topics include Data Science, Classical Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, Finance, Economics, Investing, Personal Finance and many more.

140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python

140 Awesome Free Ebooks and Tutorials for You to Learn Python

With an exponentially growing community around data science, machine learning, AI, web dev and more, Python is a language that opens programming access to the world. The list goes on for why we think it’s a good idea to learn Python programming, whether you’re new to coding or an experienced dev. These resources will cover Django, Flask, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), Tutorials, other Python Resources and a list of websites in which you can test out your skills.

51 of the Most Entertaining Satirical News Websites

51 of the Most Entertaining Satirical News Websites

This is a list of satirical news websites which have a satirical bent, are parodies of news, which consist of fake news stories for mainly humorous purposes. News satire is a type of parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism, and called a satire because of its content. News satire is not to be confused with fake news that has the intent to mislead. News satire is popular on the web, where it is relatively easy to mimic a credible news source and stories may achieve wide distribution from nearly any site.

(Video) How to Read Justice League Comics In Order – From Golden Age till Now

Enjoy these comic covers from Justice League, arranged in reading order, from start to finish. As Justice League Synder’s Cut is just around the corcer, we feel this is appropriate to brush up your memories or if you wish to start getting deeper into the Justice League universe. This 100 comics do not cover everything (obviously), but covers the basic reading order and the important parts and bits of the whole time line

Bad Medicine

Bad Medicineby Robert SheckleyThe classic SF story wherein a man is mistakenly treated by a Martian psychotherapy...

16 Sites With Free Architecture Ebooks

"A real building is one on which the eye can light and stay lit." - Ezra Pound"Walkers are 'practitioners of the city,' for...

Jon Hersey – Industrial Spy

Jon Hersey - Industrial Spyby Brad Andes / Leo N ArdoAlone!, is how Jon Hersey feels after the death of his - soul-mateJon is...

Dreams Of Love And Loneliness

Dreams Of Love And Lonelinessby Julia AverbeckThis is a collection of poems about dreams, love and loneliness. Click on the...

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Bookworm Videos

(Video) 63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

(Video) 63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

Book series here include lengths over 300 volumes to just 3 volumes (not counting the amount of pages per book). The fantasy genre is known for extremely long stories, particularly of the epic variety. It could be fairly easy to finish a long book series for some, but due to various elements such as time constraints, this may take up weeks or months to complete.

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