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Threading in C#

Threading in C#

An extensive article on multithreading in C#. This tackles difficult issues such as thread safety, when to use Abort, Wait Handles vs Wait and Pulse, the implications of Apartment Threading in Windows Forms, using Thread Pooling, Synchronization Contexts, Memory Barriers and non-blocking synchronization constructs.

Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)

Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP)

Communicating Sequential Processes, or CSP, is a language for describing patterns of interaction. It is supported by an elegant, mathematical theory, a set of proof tools, and an extensive literature. The book Communicating Sequential Processes was first published in 1985 by Prentice Hall International (who have kindly released the copyright); it is an excellent introduction to the language, and also to the mathematical theory.

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities takes on the challenge of imagining new stories at the intersection of public and private—narratives that use the economic and social history of exploration, as well as current technical and scientific research, to inform scenarios for the future of the ‘new space’ era.

The Schema Programming Language: 4th Edition

The Schema Programming Language: 4th Edition

This book is intended to provide an introduction to the Scheme programming language but not an introduction to programming in general. The reader is expected to have had some experience programming and to be familiar with terms commonly associated with computers and programming languages.

Stanley and the Football Sock

Stanley and the Football Sockby Stephanie DaggStanley Thomas Ian Nigel Kevin Smith, otherwise known as STINKS, is in trouble....

24 Fantasy Audio Tales by Transcendent Tales

Fueled by a passion for science, history and a love of travel and story telling, Adam always working on a new tale. Audio tales contain adult themes and coarse language and are not suitable for young children.

A Shot in the Dark

When he opens his eyes again, he finds himself in his old bed in his old home in his old body. Is this death? Or a trick of magic? Either way, Bilbo recognizes a second chance when he sees one, and this time his adventure with Thorin is going to go a bit differently.

Bits and Pieces

Born seven minutes apart, Casey and Emily Kingsley had a good life and a good upbringing. But as Casey excelled at life, Emily became more defiant, turning to drugs and crime, hanging with the wrong crowd.

Anathema – Book 1 Of The Trivallyn Saga

Anathema - Book 1 Of The Trivallyn Sagaby Peyton ReynoldsFor nearly twenty years, the six Gods of Trivallyn have been silent...

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10 Powerful Books That Will Change Your Life As An Adult – Grow Through Literature

10 Powerful Books That Will Change Your Life As An Adult – Grow Through Literature

Great books are labeled in such manner for certain reasons, and this is one of them. These books, while great, are read at a time when people are still very emotional, impressionable, and malleable. This video will cover books which will change you, rock you, or even devastate you as an adult, at a time when you’d had a good number of years to have yourself and the world around you figured out.

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