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An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus

This book encourages learning by abstraction from concrete examples, of understanding calculus through actually ‘doing’ it in an explicitly operational manner, and of gaining oversight of the layers between a simple, foundational system and a rich language of variegated constructs and structures.

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces

The book is centered around three conceptual pieces that are fundamental to operating systems: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. In understanding the conceptual, you will also learn the practical, including how an operating system does things like schedule the CPU, manage memory, and store files persistently. The title is an homage to one of the greatest sets of lecture notes ever created, by one Richard Feynman on the topic of Physics.

The Art of Unix Programming

The Art of Unix Programming

This book is going to try to teach you the things about Unix development that Unix experts know, but aren’t aware that they know. It is therefore less about technicalia and more about shared culture than most Unix books – both explicit and implicit culture, both conscious and unconscious traditions.

Let Over Lambda – 50 Years of Lisp

Let Over Lambda – 50 Years of Lisp

Let Over Lambda is one of the most hardcore computer programming books out there. Starting with the fundamentals, it describes the most advanced features of the most advanced language: COMMON LISP. The point of this book is to expose you to ideas that you might otherwise never be exposed to.

Open Government

Open Government

The United States had just elected a president in 2008, who, on his first day in office, issued an executive order committing his administration to ‘an unprecedented level of openness in government.’

156 of the Most Expensive Books and Manuscripts In The World – Over 13 Centuries

This is a collection of printed books, manuscripts, letters, music scores, comic books, maps, and other documents that have sold for over $1 million in the United States. From a 7th-century Quran leaf palimpsest and an early 8th-century St Cuthbert Gospel to a 21st-century holograph manuscript of J. K. Rowling’s The Tales of Beedle the Bard, the books span generations.

The Job Seeker’s Guide to the Galaxy

We’ve helped over 300k people worldwide kick-start their careers. Now you can find everything we’ve learned in one little book.

Operation Paradise – Orgonite in Theory and Practise

Operation Paradise - Orgonite in Theory and Practise by Mr. Georg Ritschl Orgone Energy and the Origins of Orgonite Deals with...

Cheat Sheets – You Just Can’t Live Without Them

Cheat Sheets - You Just Can't Live Without Them A cheat sheet or a quick reference sheet is simply a manual-looking document,...

Early Railways

Early Railways by Ciamar Price This e-book contains three short essays designed as introductions to their topics. The Surrey...

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10 Jobs That Deals With Books and Pays Well

10 Jobs That Deals With Books and Pays Well

If you love books and want to be surrounded by lots of books and at the same time make a considerably decent amount of money, then this video is just for you. Considering how big the book and reading world are, it’s not surprising that the career opportunities that come along with it, expands proportionately as well. There are a lot of different type of jobs which revolve around books, giving you access to old to new ones, the ones that involve editing, publishing and right to marketing them. Whatever you fancy, there’s always a niche for you to explore.

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