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2019 Read Round The World Challenge – 146 Books Recommendation

2019 Read Round The World Challenge – 146 Books Recommendation

Ever wanted to challenge your friends to see if they can read more books than you in a year? Well, with this list, you can. These books without a doubt can transport us to anywhere in the world, expanding our mind and imagination, bringing us to places without the physical requirements and time constraints. Here you’ll find curated lists of books set around the world, and we hope you enjoy it.

63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

Book series here include lengths over 300 volumes to just 3 volumes (not counting the amount of pages per book). The fantasy genre is known for extremely long stories, particularly of the epic variety. It could be fairly easy to finish a long book series for some, but due to various elements such as time constraints, this may take up weeks or months to complete.

How to Read H.P. Lovecraft’s 63 Free Ebooks in Chronological Order

How to Read H.P. Lovecraft’s 63 Free Ebooks in Chronological Order

In this post, not only we’re sharing a site which has diligently compiled all of H.P. Lovecraft’s work into a single ebook file, but how you can read all of his works chronologically. You may start from his earliest works till his later works before his passing. It is basically broken down into 4 parts, which are his Early Work (1917-1920), First Mythos (1920-1923), The Middle Years (1926-1928) and ultimately the Later Mythos (1930-1934).

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Blake Thorburn was driven away from home and family by a vicious fight over inheritance…

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