4 Free Motivational, Inspirational and Christian Ebooks
Currently LifeWay has 4 free ebooks available for download ranging from 20 Happy Mother’s Day Posters, Fearless in Battle, 10 Free Prayer Posters and Stand Firm.
Currently LifeWay has 4 free ebooks available for download ranging from 20 Happy Mother’s Day Posters, Fearless in Battle, 10 Free Prayer Posters and Stand Firm.
Toungue-in-cheek contests that take place annually and in which entrants are invited to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels. These are sentences that are deliberately and imaginatively written to be as bad as possible within the worst ever novel in the universe.
List of actions and changes that some have taken after going through invaluable treasures from certain literatures. This list is definitely not even close enough to thoroughly explain the intricacies of life, but hopefully it’ll give you some insights and directions on how you can find small doses of wisdom from various books out there.
Free ebooks from various topics and authors. We’ll try to cover this on a weekly basis, giving you direct links to the sources where you can get them straight to your favourite reading device. Certain titles are free for only a limited time, so keep an eye for the expiry date we’ve included at the top of the ebook description.
Interestingly enough, authoritarianism is not applicable only to humans, but also to any form of entities which satisfy the above requirements – namely robots, aliens, overdeveloped artificial intelligence or supercomputers. These 57 books listed below are one of the top authoritarian / totalitarian stories out there.
31 most highly recommended children’s books that you can read to your kids, or together, whenever it’s convenient. In the morning, before bedtime, after naps, it’s always family time!
In this video, we’ve compiled 40 most unique and eye-catching book cover designs, for you to ponder, get that ideas flowing, generate some inspirations for next book project, or simply admire the creativity behind these book cover arts.