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(Video) 63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

(Video) 63 of the Longest Reads of Popular Book Series

Book series here include lengths over 300 volumes to just 3 volumes (not counting the amount of pages per book). The fantasy genre is known for extremely long stories, particularly of the epic variety. It could be fairly easy to finish a long book series for some, but due to various elements such as time constraints, this may take up weeks or months to complete.

There’s More to Dying Than Death

There’s More to Dying Than Death

Draws on the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of positively preparing for death throughout one’s life. Lama Shenpen Hookham offers Westerners like herself a warm, readable and heartfelt exposition on the issues that surround death and caring for the dying.

Lazy to Read? How These 18 Summarizing Tools Can Help You to Read Faster

Utilize these tools to shorten up long online articles or any text that you provide. Depending on the tools’ set of features, some may summarize an article into a single sentence or to a few easily digestible points. Most of these are usually driven by an artificial intelligence system, so results will vary and quality may not be at the highest.

A-Z Of Entertainment Marketing

Mediatoolkit releases new ebook. Shares behind the scenes of the entertainment industry and how to create winning marketing strategies.

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63 Top Online Dictionaries in Various Languages and Types

The best online dictionaries can be found all over the Internet, and they use a number of methods to develop something that can aid you in both reading and writing. Here are 63 top online dictionaries in various languages and types. Among them are advanced learning tools as well as multilingual options covering multiple niches and categories.

From Algorithms to Z-Scores: Probabilistic and Statistical Modeling in Computer Science

Why is this book different from all other books on mathematical probability and statistics? The key aspect is the book’s consistently applied approach, especially important for engineering students.

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