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Anatomy of the State

Anatomy of the State

This gives a succinct account of Rothbard’s view of the state. Following Franz Oppenheimer and Albert Jay Nock, Rothbard regards the state as a predatory entity. It does not produce anything but rather steals resources from those engaged in production. In applying this view to American history, Rothbard makes use of the work of John C. Calhoun.

Europe in the Time of Covid-19

Europe in the Time of Covid-19

There is no doubt that the Covid crisis represents a challenge for European unity and another crash test for the euro. This eBook brings together a collection of Vox columns proposing and analysing the appropriate responses to ‘flatten the economic recession curve’ and to safeguard the most impacted groups from the economic fallout of the health crisis.

Why Workforce Management Matters

Implementing a workforce management solution that is targeted to meet business requirements while ensuring the employee satisfaction can be a daunting task.

Free Superheroes Ebooks & Comics – 12th June is Man of Steel / Superman Day

The download links below are broken up into 3 parts, covering the fiction and non-fiction of superhero themed stories, comics and short stories.

OpenSSL Cookbook: A Guide to the Most Frequently Used OpenSSL Features and Commands

This book covers two ways in which OpenSSL can be used. OpenSSL will help users who need to perform routine tasks of key and certificate generation, as well as configurations. Secondly, testing with OpenSSL which focuses on server security testing.

Healthier Living Tips And Foods Inspired By Chinese Medicine

Healthier Living Tips And Foods Inspired By Chinese Medicineby TofflerHealthier living with simple techniques and unique foods...

NEBADOR Book One: The Test

NEBADOR Book One: The Testby J. Z. ColbyNEBADOR - the incredible journey of five young adults from poverty and oppression to...

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