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Food in the Time of Quarantine

Food in the Time of Quarantine

With the state of the economy Joyous Kitchen thought the best way to help people would be to start compiling cost effective recipes through their second issue – Food in the Time of Quarantine. After this month’s issue they will be shifting the main focus to cheap eats.

Moonshine Hollow Series (4 Free Ebooks)

Moonshine Hollow Series (4 Free Ebooks)

There’s magic in the air as this series provides a new twist to Kathleen’s style. Come explore the small mountain town of Moonshine Hollow. But be careful, anyone you meet could end up being a witch.

All Entries of 2020 Paper Swans Press Single Poem Competition

All Entries of 2020 Paper Swans Press Single Poem Competition

The poems in this year’s Paper Swans single poem competition certainly felt like they had an edge of panic and fear thumping through them. Similarly, many of the poems were about seeing loved ones from different angles, recognising the small gesture between couples and kin that were acts of love.

Everything In Its Right Place – Fiction Continuity

Everything In Its Right Place – Fiction Continuity

Continuity is one of the ways that editorial professionals add value to the publishing process. In this ebook, the continuity element is applied / focused to novels and writing, so it’ll be extremely beneficial for authors and writers.

Newtons Sleep

Newtons Sleep by Daniel O'Mahony A richly written novel of strange events in 17th century England. First published in trade...

44 Web Design Tips & Tricks

Easy and straightforward layout, this ebook lists down the top 44 most popular Web Design trips and tricks, with further resources which you can explore and know in greater details. Labeled as an “infographic-based” ebook, you won’t find much text in there, but rather icons and easy to digest titles.

Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation

Random number generatlon has intrigued sclentists for a few decades, and a lot of effort has been spent on the creation of randomness on a deterministic (non-random) machlne, that is, on the design of computer algorithms that are able to produce “random” sequences of integers.

Emu Patrol

Emu Patrolby Iain WellsEmu Patrol is the farcical tale of an obsessional pursuit of love, sex, drugs, rock -n- roll and...

Zachary Zombie and the Wicked Worm

Zachary Zombie and the Wicked Wormby John H. CarrollZachary Zombie has been sent by Gert the Wicked Witch to find the magical...

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Top 10 Trump VS Obama Recommended Books

Who would be a better substitute to recommend you a list of books to read than the President of the United States of America himself, well in this case we have 2, and one is the current and the other the former. Regardless, it’s interesting to see the difference of approach and way of thinking these 2 individuals have in mind through the books they read.

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10 Facts About Publishing That Every Bookworm Need to Know Right Now!

In this video, you’ll find what’s the first ever published book in the world in 1640, and was sold for millions just a few years back. Also learn who created and utlized paper during the years of 206BC till 220 AD. Don’t know who and what is the “Big Five” publishing houses? You’ll know who are they over here.

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