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The Stones Of Arcory

The Stones Of Arcory

The Stones Of Arcoryby A. A. RoiVeteran wizard Breslen Amberglass, ostensibly on a mission to gather chronicles from The Fourth Council's entowered wizards, follows the trail of a doomed borderland margrave in search of his corrupted and dying land's missing Arcory...

Simply A Tomar

Simply A Tomar

Simply A Tomarby Vishvendra Singh TomarStory of hopes, struggle, love, trust, aspirations, sacrifice, friendship, respect & determination & a lot more. This is based on the life of a poor student, who accomplishes a milestone after loosing his love, his...

The One Who Is Two (Book 1 Of White Rabbit)

The One Who Is Two (Book 1 Of White Rabbit)

The One Who Is Two (Book 1 Of White Rabbit)by Stuart OldfieldTransported into a bizarre alternative reality, the story follows the stranded hero as he struggles through a world of which he is not part in his search for a way home. Alice in Wonderland for adults,...

Fargoer – End Of Innocence

Fargoer – End Of Innocence

Fargoer - End Of Innocenceby Petteri HannilaSomewhere far in the north, in the middle of a dense forest, two girls have embarked on a sacred journey: a journey that is to end their carefree days among the children of their tribe. Grim as their world is, the destiny...


SpeedWealth by T. Harv Eker SpeedWealth: How to Make a Million in Your Own Business in 3 Years or Less.T. Harv Eker - author...

Principles of Digital Image Synthesis

The big idea in this book is to lay out the rules that tell a computer how to take 3D shapes and lights and create a picture-one that would pass for a photograph of that scene if it existed. So our driving problem is the simulation of Nature’s illumination of a scene, the capturing of that illumination on film, and its presentation to an observer.

Elementary Number Theory: Primes, Congruences, and Secrets

This is a book about prime numbers, congruences, secret messages, and elliptic curves that you can read cover to cover. It grew out of undergraduate courses that the author taught at Harvard, UC San Diego, and the University of Washington.

Technical Essays: Software Architecture of 28 Different Open Source Systems

Delft Students on Software Architecture (DESOSA) is a collection of technical essays in which students explore the software architecture of 28 different open source systems. These essays are available as a series of blog posts for easy browsing, besides being available in ebook form as pdf and epub.

10 Free Ebooks to Read When You’re In Prison

"I was kind of excited to go to jail for the first time and I learnt some great dialogue." - Quentin TarantinoWell you don't...

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