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The Reality War Book1: The Slough of Despond

The Reality War Book1: The Slough of Despond

The Reality War Book1: The Slough of Despondby Tim C. TaylorIn 1992, Radlan Saravanan runs a small business out of a Tudor cottage in the sleepy English village of Elstow. But Radlan was born in 2951, and when he falls in love with a local girl, he has to choose...

Dark Days: Reign of the Vampire Chapter one

Dark Days: Reign of the Vampire Chapter one

Dark Days: Reign of the Vampire Chapter oneby William R. DanielsThe year is 1405 and the deserts of the Eastern world are soaked in blood as the search for the scrolls of Abraith begins. As the time of man comes to pass, a child is born within a clan of slaves, Vor...

Pick Your Poison

Pick Your Poison

Pick Your Poisonby F.C. SchaeferIt is true, no matter how bad things get, they can always get worse. For a handful of survivors the worst is not a virulent superflu which has killed 99& of the earth's population. No, the worst comes when they learn they are not the...

Johnson and Johnson

Johnson and Johnson

Johnson and Johnsonby Larry LaForgeAn engaging short story about college sports. Two unrelated men share the same last name, work on the same campus, and are driven by the same desire for professional success. One is a coach and the other is a professor. An ethical...

Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year 2013!

New Days, New Time, New Moments Ahead Are Waiting For You, May These 365 Days Light Up Your Life, With Abundant of Books & Adventure! Happy New Year.

How To Master Pay-Pay-Click Marketing Free Ebook

Get the secret that make 1 man worth over $300 million because he found a way to beat Google's system so that he gets all his...

5 Short Stories by Neil Gaiman

"Life is a disease: sexually transmitted, and invariably fatal." - Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman's work has been honoured with many...

Strategic Marketing Process

Strategic Marketing Process by Moderandi Inc. Tie your marketing & sales to business strategy to improve performance. This...

17 Free Children Ebooks

"A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." - C.S. Lewis...

Dynamic Web Development with Seaside

Seaside is the open source framework of choice for developing sophisticated and dynamic web applications. It uses the power of objects to master the web. With Seaside, building web applications is as simple as building desktop applications.

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