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Henri Ville

Henri Ville

Henri Villeby Matthew Christopher BennerHenri Ville spends her time fighting to get home - fighting against the desire to give up, against the troubles filling every stopgap town and bar, even fighting against those whose lives she's saved - but the harder Henri...

I Know I Miss You

I Know I Miss You

I Know I Miss Youby N.G. DianBecause I love you, I will not let you down as your girl, and I want to be your precious light for your life, and always be around.Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-I Know I Miss You - 13 pages, 231 KB...

From Wine to Worms

From Wine to Worms

From Wine to Wormsby Sandy MooreChildren are the future. Coincidentally, so is sustainability. As one boy observes his family wasting energy throughout the day, he has some rather imaginative suggestions on what his mom and dad can do to help save the planet, the air,...

Harajuku (+)

Harajuku (+)

Harajuku (+)by S. Michael ChoiRitchie Ufuo, recent graduate of a Pennsylvania university, moves to Tokyo where he runs into the champagne-and-cocaine Soren Soutern. The louche, high-spending, high-octane group of Japan expats introduce a new world to him, but at what...

7 Free Travel Secrets eBooks

"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow." - Anita Desai This eBook series is the result of a unique collaborative...

The Railway Angel

The Railway Angelby Julie DayAfter a game of dare at a train station goes tragically wrong, fifteen year-old Lizzie Hammond...

American Light: The Luminist Movement, 1850–1875: Paintings, Drawings, Photographs

American Light makes a fresh and comprehensive examination of the culminating phase of Hudson River painting, now commonly called luminism. Bringing together a group of pictures with a shared interest in the radiant effects of light and atmosphere, this publication examines the principles of luminist style as seen in paintings, drawings, and photography of the period.

12 Reasons to Love A Good Library and Get Yourself Lost in the World of Adventure

The best, most peaceful and the richest knowledge bank in the world, probably the galaxy. If you’re not visiting a library during your free time, you’re definitely missing out a lot. And don’t be confused that library is just a place for books, it’s also a place for retreats to de-stress yourself, an alternative work place, a place to enrol into training and development courses. And your kids will most definitely love the place!

Earth Friendly Planet: An Inspiring Journey Around The World

Earth Friendly Planet: An Inspiring Journey Around The World by Community Press Apart from Antarctica (which is all one...

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