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Mission Alpha

Mission Alpha

Mission Alphaby Lee WillardDorrick has now been on Kassidor ten Earth years, a decade and forty as he tells time now, and they are living comfortably in the Yakhan. Best of all, TongSu has remained with him.Then his old friend Bulf, with whom he'd done some light work...

Salt & Light

Salt & Light

Salt & Lightby Eberhard ArnoldSalt and Light puts hands and feet to the demands of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount from the viewpoint of a writer who believes they are not only viable, but inescapable - something for us to live out today.In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus...

Newtons Sleep – Online Edition

Newtons Sleep – Online Edition

Newtons Sleep - Online Editionby Daniel O’Mahony'Newtons Sleep is one of those Jackpot! moments, combining wonderfully-written historical fiction with a dash of time-travel and interdimensional war. The characters are sharp, varied and entirely believable; the...

Oblivion’s Children

Oblivion’s Children

Oblivion’s Childrenby Jim Wegryn and Roland JamesIt's the late 21st century and two great events collide - the introduction of the first truly thinking humanoid robot, and the apparent end of human fertility.Oblivion's Children follows one family through the decades...

Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatreby J. D. BrinkIn Mesa City, there's one hero you can count on to defend justice. Okay, two: the mysterious Shadow Puppet and that show-off, Mr. Wonderful. After his last tragic encounter with the villainess Kitty Kat, the Shadow Puppet is thought to be...



Postsingularby Rudy RuckerPostsingular and its sequel, Hylozoic, represent Rucker's return to the cyberpunk style of his classic Ware tetralogy.Postsingular takes on the question of what will happen after the Singularity-what will happen after computers become as...

10 Short Story From A Picture Challenge to Read Now – by Imgurians (1 out of 5)

This compilation was initiated by Entartika, an Imgurian, who used a random image within the community and collects the best story / comment with the highest vote. Due to the long textual content, we’ve decided to break this up into 5 posts, with each post comprises of 10 short stories.

Some Poems

Some Poemsby Oliver Delgaram-NejadThis is my third collection of poems, first time self-publishing. As usual I play with meter...

Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City 

This book, by a leading expert in urban agriculture, offers a genuine solution to today’s global food crisis. By contributing more to feeding themselves, cities can allow breathing space for the rural sector to convert to more organic sustainable approaches.

Free Icon Design Guide: Everything you need to know about icon design to get started

Want to create your first icon set, but have no idea where to start? Or maybe you just want to earn some money on the side by selling stock icons?

6 Free Computer, Investment & Life Ebooks by Mark McIlroy

Some of the books that Mark has written – Introduction to the Stockmarket, A guide to writing Excel formulas and VBA macros, The Wise investor, SQL Essentials, Introduction to Computer Science, Black & White.

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