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So, You Want To Go To College

So, You Want To Go To College

So, You Want To Go To Collegeby TimA humorous and irreverent look at college and college life presented as a prospectus to a student considering going to college.Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-So, You Want To Go To College - 48 pages,...

Women in Love

Women in Love

Women in Loveby D. H. LawrenceWhen this novel was published in 1920 its frank descriptions of sexual feelings were considered scandalous and it was banned in Britain and the US. Nowadays we wonder what the all the fuss was about. It was groundbreaking in its time -...

Simple Business

Simple Business

Simple Businessby Mark McIlroyA guide to business.Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-Simple Business - 1,123 pages, 5.1 MB (DOC)Items posted here are free at the time of posting. If you find they are no longer free, kindly notify us...

Operation Imperial

Operation Imperial

Operation Imperialby Rishabh parmarRatan, age 25, joined Imperial institute of technology (university) or in short 'Fake IIT', as a faculty in ECE Department. After knowing about the fake-ness of the university, he starts a sting operation to destroy the fake IIT,...

How to Price Your Product or Service Just Right

How to Price Your Product or Service Just Right

How to Price Your Product or Service Just Rightby Courtney HinesIf you are trying to sell something on the Internet, pricing your services/ products would be the single most important decision you will take. Since, the Internet provides thousands of alternatives to...

Eight Key Pressures on Security Operations

Identify key pressures and regain control of your security operations. Security operations have come under increasing pressure from well-funded attackers armed with news tactics, tools and skills.

15 Greatest Psychology Books – Interesting Looks Into the Human Mind & Emotions

To those who’re interested in the realms of psychology and anything related to it, this video is all about what you need to read. 15 of the best to get engaged in interesting books about human emotions, death, sex, afterlife and many other aspects. A well researched and thought of piece of writings that could lead to nice psychological discussions among your colleagues or mates.

Read Faster!

"Read, read, read. Read everything - trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it." - William

The One Skill: How Mastering the Art of Letting Go Will Change Your Life

In this concise book, we’ll look at how letting go works with many types of problems, and how we can develop and practice the skill of letting go.

Noir – Case of the Sphinx

Noir - Case of the Sphinx by Emmanuel Obi, Jr The second installment in a short story series featuring Bruce Howard; the...

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