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Prune Juice Book of Senryu

Prune Juice Book of Senryu

This collection celebrates 10 years of the finest English Senryu from around the world by 85 of our TOP Contributors, featuring 337 poems plucked from the journal’s first 29 issues by past and current Prune Juice editors.

Cries from the Crypt

Cries from the Crypt

Short stories, never before released chapters from award-winning novels, advice for writers, book and film recommendations, author interviews and articles on horror.

Flexibility in the Migration Strategies of Animals

Flexibility in the Migration Strategies of Animals

Migrations – whether seasonal or irruptive, altitudinal, latitudinal, or longitudinal — are common across a wide array of taxa, ranging from insects, to fish, mammals, and birds. These migrations include some of the most astonishing feats in ecology and evolution.

2 Free Song Comprehension With Answers

2 Free Song Comprehension With Answers

Courtesy of Miss Kay, you may download 2 free song comprehension pack with answers, suitable for children or your students if you’re a teacher. Lyrics are included with a set of questions and answers. Both books have 6 songs each with different range of questions.

Anne of the Island

Anne of the Island

Eighteen-year-old Anne leaves home to go to college in Kingsport, Nova Scotia, and finds her life expanding in many different ways, including a marriage proposal, the sale of her very first story, and a tragedy that teaches her a painful…

Your Layoff and the Law of Attraction: A “Secrets of the Hidden Job Market”

Your Layoff and the Law of Attraction: A "Secrets of the Hidden Job Market" by Janet White Been laid off, let go, downsized,...

Practical Tips for Software-Intensive Student Projects: 3rd Edition

This book is intended for students who have to do a software-intensive team project as part of their course of study. Most students find it hard to apply theories they previously learnt in the context of an actual project. This book is an attempt to help such students.

Within Grasp

Within Grasp by David L. Wright A lost unsigned lottery ticket worth $25 million is found by the nation’s hottest college...

Should You Buy a Refurbished eReader?

In light of the depressed economy, more and more people are trying to find less expensive ways to purchase the items they...

47 Tips For Enhancing Life

47 Tips For Enhancing Lifeby Mush PanjwaniSimple and useful tips about increasing happiness, better health, stronger...

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Bookworm Videos

The Life Cycle of A Library Book

We chronicle the most common life cycle of a library book right after it’s ready for distribution to selected libraries in the world. From arrival to being made “top pick”, and placed under the limelight, to getting worn out and being recycled, here’s the video that covers all that.

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Stephen King’s IT – 70 Book Cover Design Variations

Popular books usually have multiple editions and revisions of their covers, including those awesome fan-made ones. It’s pleasantly nice to view various book cover designs of your favorite books, knowing that you can relate to every single meaning that the book cover is trying to send out.

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