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Ashes of Dearen: Book 1

Ashes of Dearen: Book 1

Ashes of Dearen: Book 1by Jayden WoodsA red-eyed assassin, an unready princess, a sadistic politician, and an adulterous queen all desire the secret behind a magical dust known as safra. Safra is said to bring happiness, but these characters' desperate attempts to...

Nihil Obstat

Nihil Obstat

Nihil Obstatby Francis X. KronckeNihil Obstat ('nothing is forbidden') marks Jude and Sharon's tale of 'mythic eroticism.' At a college reunion, they reconnect. His wife is dead; her husband is pursuing the gay side of bi-sexuality. Theirs is an erotic attraction of...

The Two Tulips

The Two Tulips

The Two Tulipsby Ahmet AbdulazizThe sentence in bold letters appeared on the screen before her eyes. He always wrote his messages in bold letters. She had met him on DABEGGO, an internet friendship site just a couple of days earlier. He appeared different from others....



Unwanted!by Jonathan ViningUnwanted! was inspired (so to speak) by two events: one at Brown University (which the New York Times ran a story about on November 18, 1990), and the other at Duke University (which the New York Times ran a story about on September 19,...

Pulling Even: A Dawnwalker Cycle Story

Pulling Even: A Dawnwalker Cycle Story

Pulling Even: A Dawnwalker Cycle Storyby Wes BoydRandy's friends get to go places and have adventures, while he has to stay home and work. His heart is set on having some fun and adventure while he's still young, but the job is important to his family and to him. It's...

Kill The Dove!

Kill The Dove!

Kill The Dove!by Francis X. KronckeKill the Dove! is a tale of the revolutionary 1960's. It stands alone-no one has written a novel that covers these religious, political, imprisoned and sexual experiences. It follows the love, betrayals, failures and triumphs of...

Stone Heart: Heart of the Staff

Stone Heart: Heart of the Staffby Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom PhippsA great evil awakens to shatter Niarg's peaceful world.In her...

35 Authors That Died Too Early – Know How They Passed On and How Old Were They

Without them, we’ll be deprived of countless adventures, fantasies and experiences that no one else could have forged into our minds. Countless breakthroughs in the literature world, challenging our imagination and growing ourselves intellectually.

Announcing Get Free Internet Marketing Ebooks

Get Free Internet Marketing Ebooks Due to overwhelming submissions from the Internet Marketing...

57 Books That Are Widely Celebrated As The Top Eye-Opening Authoritarian Stories

Interestingly enough, authoritarianism is not applicable only to humans, but also to any form of entities which satisfy the above requirements – namely robots, aliens, overdeveloped artificial intelligence or supercomputers. These 57 books listed below are one of the top authoritarian / totalitarian stories out there.


Isildurby Brian K. Crawford with Gary D. CrawfordIn the beginning was The One, Eru Iluvatar, and he created the Holy Ones, the...

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