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26 Titles With Catchy Opening Sentences

26 Titles With Catchy Opening Sentences

Love at first sight? Don't judge a book by its cover they say. Sometimes you might even get a nudge saying that books don't deserve to be judged by its title. However for some reasons, the opening sentence of a book may set the mood, leaves great memories or even make...

Food Styling at Home for Food Bloggers

Food Styling at Home for Food Bloggersby Aldy M.This is a Practical Tutorial on How-To Food Style At Home for The Food...

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing

It includes tips on the apps you should use to send every type of business emails, along with ways you can integrate your email apps with the other tools you’re already using, guidelines to make your emails great, and more.

Vimoh’s Fables

Vimoh's Fablesby Vijayendra MohantyVimoh's Fables is a free ebook containing nine selected short stories from all that I have...

582 Top Software Engineering Blogs

In this roundup, we look at 582 Top Software Engineering Blogs. These blogs are interesting because they don’t simply focus on a single field in software engineering, but cover a wide range of topics touching a plethora of ideas. It also includes big names worldwide and is grouped into 3 different categories – companies, individuals / group contributors and products / technologies.

Tanga Tourist Guide

Tanga Tourist Guide by Herman Tanga Region covers 27,348 km2 (3% of the total area of the country)and has an estimated...

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