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Feng Shui: 13 Sites & Various Free Ebooks

Feng Shui: 13 Sites & Various Free Ebooks

"In it's highest and purest form, good feng shui signifies perfect alignment between inner and outer worlds." - Lada Ray"He was a specialist in Feng Shui; that is to say, he was consulted as to the correct ubication and orientation of houses and temples, in relation...

Everything About Dogs: 12 Sites & Various Free Ebooks

Everything About Dogs: 12 Sites & Various Free Ebooks

"Everything I know, I learned from dogs." - Nora Roberts, The Search"A dog creates, transcribes, a new landscape for you. A dog like Colter sharpens your joy of all the seasons, and for a while, sometimes a long while, such a dog seems capable, by himself alone, of...

Community Tips & Insights #2

Community Tips & Insights #2

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - Helen Keller Books, ebooks and reading are more than just words. There's no way we can quantify its enormous contribution to our world of adventures, the spectrum of knowledge, the great escapes and how they...

Baby Girl

Baby Girlby Donna MossAppearances are always just that, so what's a (not-so) nice college girl to do when she's shacked up...

Bookworms’ Meaningful Tombstone Messages & Epitaphs – Taken Straight From Popular Books (Part 1)

These very meaningful and memorable messages are the epitome and reflection of one life in just one simple sentence. It carries different ways of one who lived his life, depending on how you interpret the message. We’ve broken up this video to 2 parts, so stay tuned for part #2!

Deploying Node.js – The Practical Guide to Becoming a Node.js Cloud Developer

Deploying Node.js is a hands-on book and video course that teaches you how to manage, secure, provision and deploy node.js servers and applications.

Shadows of the Limelight

This is a world where fame grants powers. Dominic de Luca was a thief…

Microsoft Access for Beginners

Microsoft Access for Beginners by Paul Barnett How to get started using Microsoft Access even if you've never used it before....

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