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16 Free Fairy Tales

16 Free Fairy Tales

"The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in." - W.H. Auden The stories you can find here are both 'feminist' and 'fairy tales.' They keep all the traditional fairy tale elements, using strong, smart girls and women as the 'heros.' Often instead of the 'good...

11 Free Pet Loss Support Ebooks

11 Free Pet Loss Support Ebooks

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France Covering information on pet loss, pet euthanasia, pet first aid, and other helpful pet topics for adults, children and professionals, you'll find good selection of ebooks in...

Hewn (Ultimate Fantasy Series – Novella One)

Hewn (Ultimate Fantasy Series - Novella One)by J. G. Cuff*This is the first novella in the Ultimate Fantasy Series, which...

Courtship of the Recluse

Courtship of the Recluse by Linda Louise Rigsbee Courtship of the Recluse is a contemporary romance about a conservative and...

Different Kinds Of Death

Different Kinds Of Deathby Julia AverbeckDeath is a part of our life and it can have so many different faces. Sometimes it can...

Strategic Communication: How to Develop Strategic Messaging and Positioning

This article covers the essentials of strategic communication. The goal is to explain why it is critical that companies understand strategic messaging and positioning. In addition, we will discuss some practical and actionable approaches to help you design strategic messaging and product positioning.

Transferring eBook Files from Your Computer to Your Kindle

Having troubles transferring your eBooks to your Kindle? If you have document files in your PC or Mac you want to read in your...

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