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5 Short Stories by Neil Gaiman

5 Short Stories by Neil Gaiman

"Life is a disease: sexually transmitted, and invariably fatal." - Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman's work has been honoured with many awards internationally, including the Newbery and Carnegie Medals. These 5 short stories include:- The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds I...

4 Free Online Fictions by Charles Stross

4 Free Online Fictions by Charles Stross

"Idiots emit bogons, causing machinery to malfunction in their presence. System administrators absorb bogons, letting machinery work again." - Charles Stross, The Atrocity ArchivesCharles Stross, 49, is a full-time science fiction writer and resident of Edinburgh,...

Machine of Death

Machine of Death

A collection of stories about people who know how they will die.Machine of Death is an anthology of short stories edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki !, inspired by this episode of Ryan's Dinosaur Comics. From January 15, 2007, through April 30,...

3 Fantasy Adventure Comics & Short Stories by Evan Dahm

3 Fantasy Adventure Comics & Short Stories by Evan Dahm

There are currently over one thousand pages of material on this site, which you can read for free. is the home to comics Evan makes, set in a world called Overside. All of the stories here are meant to be self contained, though they build upon each other....

A Smarter Way To Explore Books –

A Smarter Way To Explore Books –

A smarter way to explore books.BookDigits is a smarter way to explore books. Their goal is to change the way you read and help you find your next favorite book. Traditional genres are too broad and vague to be useful, so BookDigits uses themes and special metrics...

Community Tips & Insights #10

Community Tips & Insights #10

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - Helen Keller Books, ebooks and reading are more than just words. There's no way we can quantify its enormous contribution to our world of adventures, the spectrum of knowledge, the great escapes and how they...

MIND Patterns: Accessibility Patterns for the Web

This book will assist frontend developers in building accessible e-commerce websites and components. This book is not a visual design system or a CSS framework (a la Bootstrap) – it is instead intended to complement those systems & tools.

Microsoft Access for Beginners

Microsoft Access for Beginners by Paul Barnett How to get started using Microsoft Access even if you've never used it before....

Understanding SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art, or science depending on who you talk to, or optimizing your site to be found in search engines when people go and search for terms, or ‘keywords’, related to your site.

56 Free Spiritual Ebooks Through the Science of Akram Vignan in Multiple Languages

We hope this list of ebooks expanded your mind, body and soul, giving you greater insights and a broader set of spiritual awareness. However you would choose to approach this set of knowledge, we will leave it to you, as any free knowledge is good to be explored with the potential of something new to be found. Happy reading and self-discovering.

National Parks Usa

National Parks Usaby Scott Walton The United States is gifted with national parks. Find out the highlights of each national...

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