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Interviewly – One Stop Hub for Author Interviews

Interviewly – One Stop Hub for Author Interviews

"He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, He who never asks is a fool forever." - Anonymous Interviewly was created by Dan Drabik out of a love for reddit AMA's. Reddit's format isn't conducive to interviews, so Dan have cleaned them up a bit, added photos,...

Human Library

Human Library

"It was good to walk into a library again; it smelled like home." - Elizabeth Kostova, The Historian The Human Library is an innovative method designed to promote dialogue, reduce prejudices and encourage understanding.The main characteristics of the project are to be...

Books for Free

Books for Free

"Take it, love it, pass it on" - Books For Free Books for Free rescues unwanted books otherwise destined for landfills or pulping. Healthy Planet redistributes these books throughout communities via their 30+ volunteer-run Books for Free centres on high streets...

Early Railways

Early Railways by Ciamar Price This e-book contains three short essays designed as introductions to their topics. The Surrey...

Under the Amoral Bridge

Under the Amoral Bridgeby Gary A. BillardArtemis Bridge is the know-who, go-to guy, the amoral fixer in 2028 Los Angeles with...

Something Wicked

Something Wickedby Lee MatherThe thing in the mirror isn't Harold. He tried to forget the past, tried to forget what he did....

5 Free Short Stories

"A short story must have a single mood and every sentence must build towards it." - Edgar Allan Poe5 Free short shots for your...

The LegendFire’s Writers Guide Free Ebook

Have you ever had the experience where you plot out a great story in your head, though when you finally sit down to write it,...

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