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The Dragon and The Eagle

The Dragon and The Eagle

Do you believe in History? Do you believe in Legends? Do you believe that both can be one and the same? There was a time when this was true – and the fate of England hung in the balance. History gave us a Fuehrer who would become a legendary evil. Legends gave us a man called “The Once and Future King”. The year was 1940 and both history and legends would collide.

Bridges for Honest Skeptics

Bridges for Honest Skeptics

Mathematician, physicist, inventor, and philosopher Blaise Pascal once noted that God provides enough evidence of himself for people who are open to it and enough obscurity for those who aren’t. But frequent misunderstandings, biases, and misrepresentations sometimes confuse even unclosed minds. This phone-friendly e-book, a labor of love by a scientist and former honest skeptic – a person who believes in, seeks, and wants to embrace truth – mitigates some of these distortions.

Mom & Dad 101: Our Radical (Libertarian) Worldview

Mom & Dad 101: Our Radical (Libertarian) Worldview

This book is our libertarian perspective explained, simply and with good humor. Consider it a pop culture chaos-decoder; it presents a solid case for viewing media narratives with skepticism. It isn’t a substitute for real research and investigation – any reader should listen, read, and carefully consider a variety of sources of news and opinion before adopting a position.

80AD – The Tekhen of Anuket (Book 3)

80AD - The Tekhen of Anuket (Book 3) by Aiki Flinthart 80AD Book 3 finds Phoenix, Jade and their companions in 80AD Egypt....

Burndown: A Better Way To Build Products

Burndown is the foundation that helps us bring you new, powerful products on the regular that propel our business forward. Speed and flexibility is one of your strongest assets when you’re a startup — Burndown will help you get the most of that.

Web Development & Beyond – The Complete Guide to Becoming A Web Developer & Successful Freelancer

This book is over 60 pages long and it’s packed with actionable tips you can take to improve your career and freelancing business.

Free Classic Literature Ebooks has a great collection of free classic literature ebooks available for download. Site's layout is great and...

Top / Most Downloaded Free Ebooks (March 2014)

March 2014How does this work? This data was taken from a shortlisted list of the 8 top free eBook sites out there. As this...

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