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Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

Born seven minutes apart, Casey and Emily Kingsley had a good life and a good upbringing. But as Casey excelled at life, Emily became more defiant, turning to drugs and crime, hanging with the wrong crowd.

10 Powerful Books That Will Change Your Life As An Adult – Grow Through Literature

10 Powerful Books That Will Change Your Life As An Adult – Grow Through Literature

Great books are labeled in such manner for certain reasons, and this is one of them. These books, while great, are read at a time when people are still very emotional, impressionable, and malleable. This video will cover books which will change you, rock you, or even devastate you as an adult, at a time when you’d had a good number of years to have yourself and the world around you figured out.

Kick Anxiety’s Ass and 10 Common Thinking Traps

Anxiety doesn’t have to limit you. There are proven techniques and skills that you can use to take your life back from anxiety. Your brain is a terrible scientist. Instead of analyzing all of the available evidence, often it instead makes instant gut reactions based on faulty logic.

How to Create Mouth-Watering Blog Posts

Blogging is a piece of cake when you have the recipe. Here are 31 tips to make your blog a mouthwatering treat that will keep readers coming back for more.

Across The Pond

Across The Pondby Michael McCormickAcross The Pond by Michael McCormick is the story of a young American man who fights a war...

10 Tips And Rules On How To Write Better And Faster – Writing Motivation By Stephen King

This is a combination of multiple speeches King has done in the past which has been shortened and summarized into 6 minutes of goodness. We created this motivational speech with hope that all authors will continue to persevere regardless of the obstacles and failures they faced in the past and the ones that they’re currently facing. Don’t stop writing!

Tanga Tourist Guide

Tanga Tourist Guide by Herman Tanga Region covers 27,348 km2 (3% of the total area of the country)and has an estimated...

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